Ziddu.com is a 100% free file hosting & sharing solution. Free File Hosting was a always a limited service offered till Ziddu.com was introduced. We had a total new approach while offering the free file hosting services, which mainly concentrated on
* Unlimited Storage space
* Fast Uploads & Downloads
* All Free Accounts
* Easy File Management
* First Online Sharing Community
* Personalized cards using Photos
* No Waiting – All instant downloads
Ziddu.com was started in the year 2007 and all its unique and innovative features made it a leader in the market within no time. We strongly believe that “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” As Ziddu.com is one of its kinds we offer free file hosting services along with so many other features which make it a power packed one.
We with our experienced team of dedicated techies look out to improve Ziddu.com on a constant basis, we and the network is growing in leaps n bounds everyday.
You will get money when some one downloads your file. For each unique download, you will get $0.001. Redeemed cash will be transferred via PayPal or Moneybookers once it reaches $10.
* 10000 Unique Downloads: $10
* 50000 Unique Downloads: $50
* 100000 Unique Downloads: $100 USD
* 500000 Unique Downloads: $500 USD
* 1000000 Unique Downloads: $1000 USD