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Privacy Policy
Cookies. This site uses cookies, which are small data files that are generated on your computer and send information without providing references to deduce from this data. You can configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by this site, without this affecting the ability to access the content. However, Roxia Bloog's is not responsible for the deactivation of these impair the smooth operation of the site.
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Actions of third parties. You will also find within this site, pages, promotions and microsites, virtual stores, surveys, sponsors, advertisers, contractors and / or partners, and business services, together with other shared services, own, or sponsored by third parties you may request information. Roxia Bloog's, within the limits prescribed by law, may disclose information provided by you to third parties mentioned above.
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Privacy Policy by advertising.
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Privacy Policy Tracking sources used.
Roxia Bloog's studied the preferences of users, their demographic characteristics, traffic patterns, and other information together to better understand who are your audience and what are the needs of its users. Tracking preferences also helps readers to the blog can serve more relevant ads.
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Depending on the application of the Law on Protection of Personal Data and other standards on the subject, sometimes to use certain services or access certain content, you will be asked to provide certain information prior to the personal, which will only be used for the purpose they were collected.
The type of information that may be requested may include, without limitation but not limited to, name, e-mail address (e-mail), date of birth, sex, occupation, city and country of origin and personal interests others. Not all information requested at the time to participate in the binding site is provided, except that which is deemed appropriate and that it is explicit knowledge.
Under the precepts laid down in the Law on Protection of Personal Data, and as a general principle, this site will not share or disclose information except when authorized by the user, or in the following cases:
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The user should be aware that if you voluntarily disclose personal information online in a public area, that information can be collected and used by others. Despite the security and guarantee of protection provided for in the databases of the blog, Roxia Bloog's does not control the actions of their visitors and users of this aspect.
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Roxia Bloog's is owned by RoXoR
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